Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cornhole 250 News: Park-o to appear at Kum & Go

( 6-17-10)

clutch x
Again, only in the .1rl. Ya can't make this stuff up....

"Of note: E85 for 85 cents a gallon and meet Marco Andretti? What a deal. The Andretti Autosport driver will greet patrons at the Kum & Go (2110 Guthrie St. in Des Moines) from 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 17. Premium unleaded will be offered for 10 cents off per gallon. … Jake McVey and Jessie James will perform on stage after the checkered flag of the Iowa Corn Indy 250 presented by Pioneer."

Where?/Who?/Perform what?!

Road America
Jessie James is hot, everything else in that article is meaningless.

Is that where they teach you the difference between a white flag and a yellow flag ?

Danica = Kum & Go Slowly

Danica = Rahal Kum & Get an irl seat

Is the Kum and Go for real?


To me, it truly sounds like a vicious nick name for the high school whore.

But, then again, this is the Earl.

Wonder how Randy is liking this now?

funny how a few short seasons ago, Marko & young Rahole
were both promising young American F1 hopefuls.
Fast Forward 2010, Rahal Jr's nothing more than FIRL ride beggar, &
Marcos peddling beer and smokes at the local Cum & Go
Neither one will ever turn F1 wheel, maybe a top 10 in prestigious
FIRL Iowa Corn Cob 150

Long live the Vision...

Kum and Go? Gawd only in places like Iowa or Indianer. Makes sense though that Marco is out peddling his wares. My understanding is (and yes I actually checked) there are still tons of good seats in the cornfest bowl for the race. Plus daddy needs Marco to suck up some cash for RHR's last race.

I'll be there on Sunday !

Did you get good seats ?

"cough" baloney.."cough"...

Oh, come on, Ronbo.

Everybody know that L2B is a closet gomersexual.

(And with that, I run away, and run fast away, for fast I shall run away,and far shall I run away fast.)


Damn, I crack myself up sometimes.